# Home page

# Real-time power generation

[Power] Show the sum of the latest power generation power of all plants under your name at the current time.

[Capacity] Show the sum of the rated power of all your plants.

[Today Yield] Show the power generation of all your plants today.

# Power generation and revenue

[Generation efficiency of pants] Show the current time power generation firepower value of your plant, the calculation formula is: power / Capacity.

[Today Revenue] Show the generation revenue of all your plants today. The calculation formula is: Electricity price set when the plant is created * today's power generation.

[Total Revenue] Show the cumulative generation revenue of all your plants. The calculation formula is: Electricity price input at the time of plant creation * cumulative power generation.

[Total Yield] Show the sum of all power generation of all plants under your name up to now.

# Running status

[plant] The data status directly displays the status of all power stations associated with you. Click on the status in the statistics data to jump to the status classification in the power station module.

[Device] The data status directly displays the operational status of all equipment associated with your plant. Click on the device status in the statistics data to jump to the status classification in the device module.

# Power generation

[Day] Show the power generation of all your plants today. You can also click on the date box to select any day and view the power data for that day.

[Month] Show the power generation of all your plants this month. You can also click on the date box to select any month and view the power generation data for that month.

[Year] Show the power generation of all plants under your name this year, you can also click on the date selection box to select any year to view the power generation data of that year.

[Total] Show the power generation of all plants under your name since their creation.

# Plant Ranking

[Equivalent] Show the equivalent hour data for all of your plants. The calculation formula is: today's power generation/installed power.

[Today Yield] You can click the drop-down box in the upper right corner of the plant ranking and select the Energy yield Today option to view the ranking data of the energy yield today of all plants.

[Total Yield] You can click the drop-down list in the upper right corner of the ranking of all plants and select the Cumulative Energy yield option to view the ranking data of all plants.

[Current Power] You can click the drop-down box in the upper right corner of the plant ranking and select the current power option to view the current power ranking data of all your plants.

# Energy saving and emission reduction

[Tree] Show the equivalent tree planting situation of all plants under your name, the calculation formula is: cumulative power generation (kWh) * 0.828/40/18.3.

[CO₂] Displays the CO₂ emission reduction of all your plants. The formula is: CO₂ emission reduction (tons) = 0.000828 * Cumulative power generation (kWh).

[Coal] Show the coal saving of all your plants. The calculation formula is: saving standard coal (tons) = 0.0003015 * Cumulative power generation (kWh).

# Fault information

  Click the button on the homepage to view all equipment fault data associated with your power station (default display shows ongoing faults).

  • View fault details

① Log in to the Smart M app.

② Click the button on the homepage.

③ Click on any fault data. Detailed data of the fault pops up at the bottom of the page.

  • fault Analysis

① Log in to the Smart M app.

② Click the button on the homepage.

③ Click on any fault data. Detailed data of the fault pops up at the bottom of the page.

④ Click on the analysis tab on the pop-up page. You can view the working condition of the equipment during the fault time. The system supports viewing the working status of multi-dimensional equipment, and maintenance personnel can analyze the cause of faults based on the specific operating status of the equipment.