# Communication

Nome parametroDescrizione dei parametriIntervallo dei parametri
Server Address The data communication transmission address of the collector.
Server Port The service transmission port for data communication of the collector.
Collector system time Set according to the actual time in the country/region where the device is located

# Grid parameters

Nome parametroDescrizione dei parametriIntervallo dei parametri
Country Please select the national/regional power grid standards supported by the device based on the country/region where the device is located.
Statute The specific standards supported by the device under the national/regional power grid should be selected based on the current grid standards connected to the device.

# Protection

Nome parametroDescrizione dei parametriIntervallo dei parametri
AC startup high voltage (V) Threshold for overvoltage judgment of power grid before grid connection 100V-600V,Minimum unit 0.1V
AC Start Low Voltage (V) Threshold for undervoltage judgment of power grid before grid connection 45Hz-65Hz,Minimum unit 0.01Hz
AC startup high-frequency (Hz) Threshold for determining grid overclocking before grid connection 100V-600V,Minimum unit 0.1V
AC Start Low Frequency (Hz) Threshold for underfrequency judgment of power grid before grid connection 45Hz-65Hz,Minimum unit 0.01Hz
10 minute overvoltage protection Overvoltage protection function switch Enable/Disable
10 minute overvoltage protection value (V) Protection threshold Minimum unit 0.1V
10 minute overvoltage recovery value (V) Recovery threshold Minimum unit 0.1V
Protection level(V) Set the grid protection level of the device Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Undervoltage 1 level protection value (V) First level undervoltage protection threshold Minimum unit 0.1V
Overvoltage 1 level protection value (V) First level overvoltage protection threshold Minimum unit 0.1V
Under frequency 1 level protection value (Hz) First level underfrequency protection threshold Minimum setting 0.01Hz
Overfrequency 1 level protection value (Hz) First level overclocking protection threshold Minimum setting 0.01Hz
Under voltage 1 level protection time (ms) First level undervoltage protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting 20ms
Overvoltage 1 level protection time (ms) First level overvoltage protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Under frequency 1 level protection time (ms) First level underfrequency protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Overfrequency 1 level protection time (ms) First level overclocking protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Undervoltage 2 level protection value (V) Second level undervoltage protection threshold Minimum unit 0.1V
Overvoltage 2 level protection value (V) Second level overvoltage protection threshold Minimum unit 0.1V
Under frequency 2 level protection value (Hz) Second level underfrequency protection threshold Minimum setting0.01Hz
Overfrequency 2 level protection value (Hz) Second level overclocking protection threshold Minimum setting0.01Hz
Under voltage 2 level protection time (ms) Second level undervoltage protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Overvoltage 2 level protection time (ms) Second level overvoltage protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Under frequency 2 level protection time (ms) Second level underfrequency protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Overfrequency 2 level protection time (ms) Second level overclocking protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Undervoltage 3 level protection value (V) Third level undervoltage protection threshold Minimum unit 0.1V
Overvoltage 3 level protection value (V) Third level overvoltage protection threshold Minimum unit 0.1V
Under frequency 3 level protection value (Hz) Third level underfrequency protection threshold Minimum setting0.01Hz
Overfrequency 3 level protection value (Hz) Third level overclocking protection threshold Minimum setting0.01Hz
Under voltage 3 level protection time (ms) Third level undervoltage protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Overvoltage 3 level protection time (ms) Third level overvoltage protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Under frequency 3 level protection time (ms) Third level underfrequency protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Overfrequency 3 level protection time (ms) Third level overclocking protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Undervoltage 4 level protection value (V) Fourth level undervoltage protection threshold Minimum unit 0.1V
Overvoltage 4 level protection value (V) Fourth level overvoltage protection threshold Minimum unit 0.1V
Under frequency 4 level protection value (Hz) Fourth level underfrequency protection threshold Minimum setting0.01Hz
Overfrequency 4 level protection value (Hz) Fourth level overclocking protection threshold Minimum setting0.01Hz
Under voltage 4 level protection time (ms) Fourth level undervoltage protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Overvoltage 4 level protection time (ms) Time for triggering and judging the fourth level overvoltage protection Minimum setting20ms
Under frequency 4 level protection time (ms) Fourth level underfrequency protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Overfrequency 4 level protection time (ms)/td> Fourth level overclocking protection trigger judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Undervoltage 5 level protection value (V) Five level undervoltage protection threshold Minimum unit 0.1V
Overvoltage 5 level protection value (V) Five level overvoltage protection threshold Minimum unit 0.1V
Under frequency 5 level protection value (Hz) Five level underfrequency protection threshold Minimum setting0.01Hz
Overfrequency 5 level protection value (Hz) Five level overclocking protection threshold Minimum setting0.01Hz
Under voltage 5 level protection time (ms) Five level undervoltage protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Overvoltage 5 level protection time (ms) Five level overvoltage protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Under frequency 5 level protection time (ms) Five level underfrequency protection triggering judgment time Minimum setting20ms
Overfrequency 5 level protection time (ms) Five level overclocking protection trigger judgment time Minimum setting20ms

# Characteristic

Nome parametroDescrizione dei parametriIntervallo dei parametri
Grid connected operation switch Control whether the equipment is connected to the grid, set it to "enable", and the equipment will start grid connected operation. Enable/Disable
anti-reflux When it is necessary to limit the output power according to the grid standards of certain countries/regions, turn on this function. Enable/Disable
Permissible countercurrent power (kW) The first level allows for the triggering and judgment time of reverse power protection 0-6553.5kW,The smallest unit0.1kW
Restricting countercurrent methods Choose the method of limiting device power, and before setting it, please confirm whether the device supports this method. Limit three-phase total power/limit individual power
Fault protection active power limit (kW) When there is an abnormal communication between the online electricity meter and the inverter, the active power limit of the inverter can be manually adjusted by the customer as needed. 0-6553.5kW,The smallest unit0.1kW
Communication broken chain detection time (s) Set the detection time for communication disconnection failure protection between the inverter and the data stick. Minimum unit 1s,highest 65535s
DCI DC component protection switch Enable/Disable
GFCI Residual current protection switch Enable/Disable
ISO Insulation impedance protection switch Enable/Disable
Virtual N-line enable Suitable for three-phase three wire system or three-phase four wire system. Do not enable (three-phase four wire)/Enable (three-phase three wire)
ISO protection value(kOhm) Insulation impedance protection value Minimum 10kOhm, maximum 1000kOhm
DCI protection value(mA) DC component protection value。 Minimum 1ms, maximum 50000ms
DCI protection time(s) DC component protection time, triggering DC component Minimum 1 second, maximum 60000 seconds.
PV connection method Independent parallel DC source mode selection independent
parallel connection
DC Source mode
Parallel enabling According to the requirements of certain countries or regions, this function needs to be enabled when a three-phase parallel system is composed of three single-phase inverters. Multiple low-power devices can also be used to drive higher power loads by enabling this function. Enable/Disable
Master slave settings • Choose whether the current connected device is a host or a slave based on the actual situation.
• The device connected to the R phase is the master, and the device connected to the S or T phase is the slave.
Parallel phase setting Parallel phase relationship setting R-phase/S-phase/T-phase
Energy distribution mode Set the operating mode of the device Off grid mode/UPS mode/Self use mode/Peak shaving and valley filling mode
Slave address Connect to the communication address of the upper computer
Baud rate Communication speed connected to the upper computer

# Battery

Nome parametroDescrizione dei parametriIntervallo dei parametri
Battery type Select the type of battery No/Lead acid battery/Lithium battery
Battery operation type Selection of battery working mode According to voltage/according to SOC/without battery
Number of batteries in series and parallel Number of battery packs
Battery manufacturer Set the manufacturer of the battery。 Zhongxing Paineng_CAN
Zhongxing Paineng_RS485
Tianbang Da_CAN
Tianbang Da_RS485
Charge cutoff SOC (%) Set the charging cut-off capacity。 0 to 100%
Discharge cut-off SOC (%) Set discharge cut-off capacity。 0 to 100%
Enable grid charging When the default setting for 'grid charging' is' not enabled 'at the factory, it is allowed to purchase electricity from the grid after enabling it. If users enable this function, they must comply with local regulations for grid charging. Enable/Disable
SOC for grid charging start-up (%) Set the starting capacity for grid charging. 0 to 100%
Grid charging stop SOC (%) Set the cut-off capacity for grid charging. 0 to 100%
Selling electricity settings The switch that controls the device to start selling electricity to the inverter。 Enable/Disable
AC charging power(kW) The power used to charge batteries from the power grid。 Minimum setting unit 0.1kW
AC charging target voltage(V) Target voltage for charging batteries from the power grid。 Minimum setting unit 0.1V
AC charging target SOC Target SOC for charging batteries from the power grid。 unit1%
AC charging current The current used to charge batteries from the power grid。 unit1A
Charging and discharging time setting Set the switch for automatic battery charging and discharging, linked with the "time point setting" parameter, and hide the "time point setting" parameter when "not enabled".
Time point setting Set specific conditions and work efficiency for automatic charging and discharging of batteries.
AC charging time period Set the time period and charging power for automatic AC charging of energy storage devices.
Forced charging and discharging settings Set the start time, work efficiency, and start conditions for forced charging and discharging of the battery.
Off grid output time period setting Set up a critical load work plan for the equipment.
Battery charging power (kW) Set the charging power of the energy storage device。 Minimum 0, maximum 6553.5kW,unit0.1kW
Battery discharge power (kW) Set the discharge power of the energy storage device。 Minimum 0, maximum 6553.5kW,unit0.1kW

# Charging and discharging time setting

Nome parametroDescrizione dei parametriIntervallo dei parametri
Start End Time The start/end time of battery charging and discharging
Maximum discharge power (kW) Maximum working power of battery discharge minimum0.1kW
Start charging SOC value (%) When the SOC value of the battery reaches the set value, charging begins Minimum setting unit 1%
Starting charging voltage(V) When the battery voltage reaches the set value, charging begins. Minimum setting unit 0.1V
Type Energy source during charging。 Power grid/generator

# AC charging time period

Nome parametroDescrizione dei parametriIntervallo dei parametri
Start End Time The time when the battery starts/ends charging and discharging.
Charging power (kW) Working power of battery discharge minimum0.1kW
Charge cutoff SOC (%) Stop charging when the battery SOC value reaches the set value Minimum setting unit 1%
Charging cut-off voltage (V) When the battery voltage reaches the set value, charging begins. Minimum setting unit 0.1V

# Forced charging and discharging settings

Parameter NameDescrizione dei parametriIntervallo dei parametri
Start End Time The time when the battery is forced to start and end charging and discharging。
Charging power (kW) Output power during battery discharge minimum0.1kW
Charging cut-off SOC value (%) When the SOC value of the battery reaches the set value, charging begins Minimum setting unit 1%
Charging cut-off voltage (V) Stop charging when the battery voltage reaches the set value. Minimum setting unit 0.1V
Discharge power (kW) Output power during battery discharge minimum0.1kW
Discharge cut-off SOC value (%) When the SOC value of the battery reaches the set value, discharge begins Minimum setting unit 1%
Discharge cut-off voltage (V) Stop discharging when the battery voltage reaches the set value。 Minimum setting unit 0.1V

# Off grid output time period setting

Parameter NameDescrizione dei parametriIntervallo dei parametri
Start and endtime The start/end time of battery off grid output.

# Off-grid

Nome parametroDescrizione dei parametriIntervallo dei parametri
Start End Time Off grid operation switch。 Enable/Disable
Off grid output voltage (V) Critical load supply voltage.. 208V/220V/230V/240V
Off grid output frequency (Hz) Critical load power supply frequency. 50Hz/60Hz

# Energy

Nome parametroDescrizione dei parametriIntervallo dei parametri
UPS mode Set the battery operating mode to UPS mode. Enable/Disable
Peaking shift mode The working mode of the device battery is peak shaving and valley filling mode. Enable/Disable
AC power measurement method Choose the AC side power measurement method. No/electricity meter/wired CT
Electricity meter enable Select the electric meter metering switch. Enable/Disable
Electricity meter type Select the type of electricity meter Single phase/Three phase
Electric meter brand and agreement Set the brand and corresponding communication protocol of the electricity meter CAN/RS485
R phase external CT enable Select R-phase external CT operation. Enable/Disable
S phase external CT enable Select S-phase external CT operation. Enable/Disable
T phase external CT enable Select T-phase external CT operation. Enable/Disable
R Phase CT direction setting Current direction setting of R-phase current transformer。 Normal (default)/Reverse
S Phase CT direction setting Current direction setting of S-phase current transformer。 Normal (default)/Reverse
T Phase CT direction setting Current direction setting of T-phase current transformer。 Normal (default)/Reverse
CT self check direction enable Automatic detection switch for current direction of current transformer。 Enable(default)/Disable
External CT changes The ratio of the current magnitude on both sides of the current transformer。 1-5000,default 1000